9/08/03- Ok so we've got a new name. We are "Just like Whoa" but i tihnk for now we are gonna keep this websie as our main place. We had practice last saturday and it was awesome. I should be updating more frequently now that we are back practicing. Not sure when you will be seeing us in public but hopefully soon, and if anyone ahs a sued guitar they want to seel us email me.
8/24/03- wow wow wow its been a long long time. MTATCPK has been on a long break since at least one member has been out of town during the summer. We are getting back together with a brand new sound. We have a new guitarist and lead singer by the name of Bryan Gibson who is a freshman at Mercer University and our cello player Davis Wells is gonna move onto the bass. Hopefully we will get practicing and get our cheeky little selves on a stage near you.
6/04/03- We are planning to ahve practice today and go ahead and record Swing, Swing I'm leaving on friday for england for 2 weeks. Keep checking back if we get that recorded it should be online soon. Also if you havent heard them before check out thes sweet band. They are amazing. The vocals will make you commit seppuku.

5/6/03- We had practice sunday and it was very succesful. We are back on our feet. This week Tom and i are working on lying down the Drum, bass, and guitar tracks on the 4-track for our cover of Swing, Swing by The All-American Rejects. hopefully as soon as we are done recording that i can upload and put it up for download so keep checking back.
4/29/03- wow sorry long time no updates ok some news. We have two new members a new bass player named tom and a new singer who is a former groupie named Faira. We have only had one practice with Tom and it was lacking faira and Davis so we hope to have a full practice this weekend and get back on top of things and book some gigs soon. Sorry for the long break in the band we had to get through some rough times but were back thanks for staying with us. ill try to get a bio and pics for tom and faira up soon
3/28/03- Ben and Con have gone to france but MTATCPK is getting back on its feet we have a tentative date for a party May 2nd. Im still at school so i cant type much have a good spring break and keep checking back.
3/11/03- Sorry havent updated a while most of us have been busy with A midsummer nights dreams at theatre macon but its over now so we should get back to practicing and hopefully starting to record for the much anticipated demo weve talked about for so long. Over spring break we wont get any practice in since most members will be gone but hang with us and keep checking back.
2/27/03- sorry we are at a really slow spot ummm ill update with more once we get back on our feet.
2/1/03- We had our gig at jessicas last night. Still gotta unpack. It went pretty terribly but MTATCPK is trying to get their practice schedule sorted out so we can be better prepared for future gigs.
1/22/03- Very exciting news: Our Dearest Kate Zaloumas's mom has offered to build MTATCPK our own personal web domain. This will require a little funding from the band, but right now it's looking like a go ahead. Practiced planned for Sunday to put some finishing touches on some songs for the party (we're now considering adding Video Killed the Radio Star to our repitoir to complement Take on Me and Come On Eileen. We're attempting to cover every one-hit-wonder of the 80's :-))
01/20/02- Had a spend the night practice from last night to today. Uncle Wayne came and recorded emma, a birds tail, amy z, and DHS so he will be mixing that soon. ill try to get those up on the site as soon as i get them.