If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
-Margaret Thatcher Faira: Bio and pics coming soon....

Tom: Bio and pics coming soon...

^^ Tom's Bass

Bens keyboards |

My Dads Les Paul signature |
^^^Ben: "My name is Yon Yonson. I live in Wisconson. I work in a lumbermill there." Yeah well I am very special. So special in fact that I play piano in this super band! I've written a few songs for MTATCPK including, and limited "Amy Z.", "Going Postal", and "The song formerly titled 'Greenland'". I'm the attractive one in all the pictures for all you ladies who need a hulky man. You may be asking yourself, "What about Punk Rock?" and I'm here to let you know "WHAT ABOUT PUNKROCK!?!?!?!?!?" Shizampah

My set |
^^^Andrew: Hey im the bands drummer. I just got a set yesterday so i cant really play, but that doesnt really matter. I like mostly punk rock but i'm pretty much open to whatever as long as its not rap or country. I'd have to say my biggest inspiration would have to be Bill and Ted. The Wyld Stallyns rock! Anywho I'm a junior at the Academy and plan to spend the rest of my high school career with MTATCPK.
Ted: [to Socrates] All we are is dust in the wind, dude.

Davis: Bio Coming soon.....