01/01/03- Ben Here- we're planning on practice at Davis's house on Sunday, trying to work out a few more songs before the big gig on the 31st. Got a couple new ones. Keep it real dudes.
01/01/03- Happy New Years everyone. Ummm not much happening with MTTCPK right now ben is out of town but coming back soon and we are planning to have frequent practices all this month to get ready for our next gig. We are sill trying hard to get some recordings done and i got a new computer for christmas so hopefully we wont have the same problems as in the past and we can get something up soon.
12/24/02 - Happy Holidays everyone. Yesterday MTATCPK had a practice trying out a new guitarist by the name of Robert. He is amazing and he has a big red fro, but the bad news is we really dont need a guitar and we didnt get any recording done sorry.
12/23/02-Joe Strummer, frontman of legendary British punk band The Clash, has died aged 50. The cause of death is unknown at this time. taken from absolutepunk.net
12/20/02- We are planning to have practice this weekend to work on some new songs and on the 23rd hopefully record some demo tapes. If you want one email me and i will try to get aorund to making you a copy but we will prolly charge $5.
12/15/02- Having gotten our first taste of the rock star lifestyle, MTATCPK is ready to kick some hiney. Coffee House went better than expected and Amy Z, Emma, and Bird's Tail got a very welcome reception due to the awsome amount of groupie participation. We also have three independent video tape copies of the show, so hopefully we'll have some downloadable footage on the site (as well as some Tascam recordings) up soon.
12/10/02- Sorry about the guestbook looks like Trey got to it and had a little too much free time on his hands.
12/9/02- Our first gig is friday at coffee house at central starts at 7. Its in the strings room we only get to play 2 songs and we havent practice at all but come wacth anyways.
12/1/02- Its Bens B-day wooooooooooo hes 16!!!!! Ok we still have a tentative date for december 13th at coffee house but i gotta get my grades up and we can only practice once before it and thats the day before but yall come see us anyway. Everyone email ben and yell at him to update the site more.
11/18/ 02- A whirlwind time for MTATCP of K. Several of our foursome are being punished for our inherent disorderlyness, and thus practice has be at an second to all time low. True fans will remeber that during the summer of 2002 mtatcpk did not really practice. Anyway, our tenative first public apperance will fittingly be at public school, Central High, on December 13. This gig isn't set in stone, but we're hopeful. In other news, that guy who played the principal in Ferris Buller's Day Off got arrested for having sex with an 17 year old boy.
11/02/02- Alright not much practice going on lately but we have a tentative date set for next sunday. Go see Brigadoon at the grand opera house tonight 8! If youve alraedy seen it and you got to this site from the program sign the guestbook and if you ever see me tell me and ill give ya a nickel.
10/29/02- Well havent updated in a while so uhhh werd. Weve got some gigs lined up but none are final and we need to practice if we ever plan to fill a set so yeah check back soon.
Every Band Has To Fall Apart This Week .. |
Save Ferris broke up. {from absolutepunk.net} |
10/14/02- Well we had practice it went fairly well. We finished The Emma song and have a Le Tigre cover almost done. We are hoping to try out a new guitarist next practice which will probably be on sunday. Im still not sure about all the details there but if you want to ask me anything about it or help me work it out call me before friday b/c im leaving for a debate tourney and getting back saturday at 11 pm.
10/08/02- This just in UNcle Mike isnt gonna bring his recording stuff since we dont have the song ready we are still gonna try to have practice whether it will be open to groupies or not i need to talk to the rest of the band you guys call me
10/06/02- Ben here- had a stellar practice today....worked out parts for our new hit single to be debut'd somtime soon "Emma"...lyrics are available in the lyrics section of the site. This new jingle is about my cat, Emma Austin. Also, Uncle Mike is coming next friday (shibby shwah!) to record, so our cover of the christmastime favorite "do you see what i see" needs to be worked on major time.
10/02/02- Havent updated in a while im banned from the comp. We are practicing on sunday but its a no groupie thing and we are practicing the weekend after that weve got tons of stuff to work with and have some possible gigs coming up so ill try to upload some of the results of the practices.
9/25/02- Going to Iowa this weekend not sure when next practice will be.
9/20/02- This weekend my rents are coming home saturday night not sure what will happen when i get my progress report but im hoping to have a practice sunday.
9/16/02- Well not to much to say just got back from Wake Forest last night i think davis ben and con con had practice while i was gone. They didnt play coffee house but we are hoping to attend the next one.
9/09/02- Well we had practice this past weekend and redid amy Z we recorded it on minidisc and it sounds really good but when i uploaded it it got really distorted. I had it set to play in the downloads section but im gonna take that off today ill try to figure out how to fix the quality.
9/04/02- Due to popular demand ive added a guestbook at the top of the page sign it if ya get a chance.
9/03/02- Mitch has left the band. Ben has some ideas for the birds tail video. Prolly practice on saturday and friday.
8/30/02- We have a new member in the band! Davis Wells on the Cello. He rocks Lucas House. A Birds Tail is finished and was ready for coffee house till i found out i have a debate tourney so we wont be playing there. We'll have A birds tail recordings up soon with the cello!!!!
8/26/02- Sitting in double Study hall decided to give yall some idea of where were hoping you'll be seeing MTATCPK around the end of this year. The only places we are really planning to play so far right now are Central Coffee House and at Stratfords Band night. Im not sure about when the exact dates on those are but i think the first coffee house is in Mid september. For more details IM me P8ntCommie and ill try to get you some info.
8/24/02- had practice last night and this morning got most of A Birds Tale down its totally redone sounds really good we will try to get some recordings up soon and the lyrics in the lyrics section. And changed the download section put up an ad
8/17/02- among other exciting news, mtatcpk.tripod.com has over 1,000 hits. We'd like to give shout out to all of those who have been in our first thousand visitors. Thanks!
8/17/02- had practice got new vid clips up in the vid gallery have an Amy Z video not uploaded and are working on a new song and new photos in photo gallery
7/21- mtatcpk.tripod.com got quite a makeover tonight. Ben added a brand new groupies AND old news section. The amount of news on the home page seemed to be getting a bit obscene. I hope all the die-hard fans like this change better, and don't see it as "selling out".
7/18/02- Back from Alabama Uncle Mike let us borrow an amp and i went to mars music and got all new zilds to replace those crappy pearls. Uncle Mike gave me some recording tips so the new clips if we ever get them should be good quality.
7/16/02- Well ben is at camp and con con is at the beach so im not sure when we will get to practice next. Ben is supposed to come back saturday I'm not sure about connor but hopefully by that tuesday because thats when i leave again. But we should be getting some new clips up soon regardless of whether connor is back or not. For now im leaving for alabama till thursday but ill try to update as soon as i get back.
7/13/02- Back from camp should be practicing soon if everyones in town.
6/22/02- added pics of the instruments in the us section
6/19/02- Put up a very raw copy of Amy Z in the download section.
6/13/02- My b-day has passed and i got a nice 4 track recorder, but we cant practice till next school year well try to get out some good copies of Amy Z, Yavs, and Bio exam towards the start of next school year.
Dee Dee Ramone Dead at Fifty |
Some sad news in the punk music industry today. Dee Dee Ramone, founding member of the Ramones, passed away Wednesday, June 5th in his Hollywood home. He was 50 years old. The cause of death is unknown although rumored that it was a drug overdose. (taken from absolutepunk.net) |
6/5/02- Ok we just finished our last practice of the summer and we got some fairly good recordings im about to put up in the downloads section. We also have a copy of bio exam im gonna put up but we just played the song for the first time today so its very very messed up well try to get up a better copy when we practice again.
6/4/02- Is this the end? Nah. Anyways due to time conflicts MTATCPK wont be able to practice for the rest of the summer as a whole. But have no fear we'll be staying together. Anyways im gonna try to upload some crappy takes of Amy Z and The Yavs just so you have something to hold you off till we actually get some good recordings up.
6/2/02- More hate mail! We are on a roll! This one is from George Williams. This band sucks. Our hardcore/thrash/grindcore band, Sid, kicks your ass. Yeah, we're in Macon too. Punk? Fuck, this shit is like Emo/Pop. Try listening to Dr. Know and Minor Threat and the Necros if you want real punk. Interpretation has nothing to do with it. This stuff is shit. Go home.
5/31/02- Ok just got back from my anatomy retake and i dont think i did to good. So if i did fail ill have to leave MTATCPK or run away to payne city and goto confidentially timed and located practices. And on top of all that i got an awful haircut. bah doubt anyone cares but i wanna keep the site updated for all you hardcore MTATCPK fans. Keep checking back. Oh yeah and we have been recording a lot but havent got any takes good enough yet to put on the site but will keep working on it. We do have one soundclip uploaded on my bros comp but not on the site yet of me tackling my snare drum and slicing my head open then playing murder the government so check back for that with the other songs.
5/29- Much practice going on this week at Min-kai's. We hope to have "Amy Z" and "The Yavs" recorded somtime soon, a put up on the site for download. New song "Bio Exam" is in the works. This song was jointly written by Ben and Connor. Needless to say, it's swell. In other news, we've recieved our first piece of
hate mail from the real-live Amy Z. Unfortunetly she's not very fond of our hit single about her.
5/21/02- Alright well havent updated much in a while and since im trying to do everything but study i thought id type some random news. As most of you prolly know our lead singer and keyboard extraordinaire Ben Austin has dyed his hair black. He's had mixed reactions but he has decided to keep it black for the time being. Also a few days ago i added some pic's we took right before going to the movies with some of our groupies. Once school gets out check for a lot more updates. The week long practice has been OKed by my mom so when thats over were hoping to have some new songs and maybe even some footage for the Amy Z music Vid.
5/15/02- Added the lyrics section and added a diff pic to the Links section. That thatcher in the tank pic just wasnt doing it for me. Keep checking back for updates.
5/11/02- Planning for an Amy Z music vid. check back soon to have the first look right here at the MTATCPK official website.
5/11/02- Photo Gallery up and Us section 1/2 up (Ben, Connor, and mitch send me bios when you have a chance to write one up)
5/11/02- MTATCPK's drummer Andrew "Monkey" Lewis got a set! Also thanks to our photographer Russell L. the MTATCPK had a photoshoot today and those pics can be viewed in the photo gallery (coming soon).